Pitmasters Live has forged an alliance with the UNITED ASSOCIATION OF COCKPIT OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF THE PHILIPPINES, INC. (UACOOP), a duly registered association of cockpit owners and operators established to promote cockfighting events in the country. Primarily, the Association intends to sponsor, support, promote and encourage cockpit owners and operators to expand its sporting facilities and leisure potential to improve the industry of cockfighting in the Philippines.

UACOOP has forged partnerships with more than 200 licensed cockpit arenas all over the country in order to be able to broadcast daily derby events via satellite and not via the internet; thus, dispelling the notion that this is online cockfighting.

In compliance with the Local Government Code of 1991, mandating that all local government units regulate cockfighting activities within their areas of jurisdiction, UACOOP seeks the support of cockfighting's stakeholders, as well as LGUs across the archipelago, to work in unison for the continued development of the industry.

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